Our Mental Health is Just as Important as our Physical Health

Happy October! Although half of the year (in addition to last year) was spent in lockdown, I cannot believe that it is already October! This time of year, may have some of us already start to think about the past year and reflect about what we accomplished and start setting some goals for the next year. In Canada, it is also Thanksgiving coming up, so we are starting to reflect on what we are thankful for.

October 10th is also World Mental Health Day, a day to raise awareness and support mental health issues around the world. Now more than ever, it is crucial to take care of our mental health. Despite the stigma that has been around mental illness, more and more individuals, including athletes and celebrities are finally starting to open up about their mental health, making access to mental health resources less “scary” and more “normal,” also finally removing the stigma around our mental health and getting treatment when it is needed.

The influence athletes and celebrities have is more than just how many Olympic medals they have won, how many points they score for their team and how many wins they have accomplished for themselves. However, in today’s times, both themselves and the media have a duty to talk about the importance of mental health. Before it was not the norm to open up about these issues, as players and celebrities were seen as “weak.” Now, we see more and more individuals opening up about their mental health. We now all realize that “our mental health is just as important as our physical health.”

With Thanksgiving soon approaching as well as World Mental Health Day, we should take the time to be thankful for the resources we have. Both our MatchMyMeds, Drug Compatibility Test and Love My Health Lifestyle Genetic Test help mental health issues, AND MORE!

MatchMyMeds covers OVER 20 Anti-Anxiety/ Anti-Depression medications and is a new tool that enables doctors to minimize trial-and-error and optimize outcomes by personalizing prescriptions based on your own DNA!

Our Love My Health test covers a brain health category focusing on four genes that impact your mood, cognition, stress resilience, emotional states, and risk of substance addition, providing genetically tailored recommendations to improve your overall mental wellbeing. However, our mental wellbeing is beyond just our mood. There are simple steps to take just by altering our diet or incorporating exercise into our routines which is also covered in our Love My Health test! For instance, some simple recommendations can include ensuring you are getting the adequate rest you need following your exercise to avoid burnout and improve your exercise recovery. In addition, carbs are not the enemy and believe it or not for many people the Keto (and many other FAD diets) are NOT advised! Listen to your own body because everyone is different and if you or anyone you know is struggling, know that it is ok to not be ok and we are always here to help! Contact us today!

Wishing everyone a wonderful month and a Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends!