Finding ways to be optimistic

Our world against our earliest optimism continues to be mired in another pandemic wave.  With full admission, this is a solemn and challenging time again in our lives. A remorseless, invisible enemy which has brought havoc to the most vulnerable among us — and some of the healthiest, too, unfortunately is unrelenting.  It challenges our sense of safety, security and community.  Many of us have found ourselves separated from our family and friends in a way that is hard to understand.

We were not meant to live apart from one another, especially in times of challenge. Our tools of compassion — a hug, gathering as people of faith or in friendship, caring for our family when they are ill — bring the opposite of the love we intend.  Rarely in history have we served our neighbor by distancing from them.  We have learnt a powerful lesson along way, that values count, that empathy and simple kindness are essential and lead us to acknowledge what is perhaps both so fragile yet vitally important – a commonality of appreciating our own health.    We’re human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful. We rise or fall together, yet inherently we must remain optimistic.

I wanted to share some personal thoughts on the fragility of the times we currently live in, especially magnified by the pandemic but also present a raison d’être, or reason to be.  This year especially it is the fear of the not knowing.  We have been totally unconvinced about our tomorrows, and it has taken its toll, is it any wonder that incidents of anxiety and depression are on the rise, and as the targets keep moving and we are forced to calibrate and re calibrate, and it is exhausting and destabilizing, and it begs the question how we mere mortals can contend with a world that is at worst governed by chance and at best whose wisdom which will lie beyond our grasp, and this is the calling of the day.  The pandemic has cast a spotlight on the character of our existence.  Life is precious, existence is unstable so our personal health is everything, and we should live our lives as such, and make everyday count.  Our health must be treated with a desperate intentionality.  Each one of us should and can endeavour to make positive empowered choices, to live with urgency and intensity as it relates to our wellbeing.

For our own health and wellbeing, it is true that no one person can do everything, each one of us can do something and literally breathe new life into our health.   Our raison d’être at DNA Labs is simple, we believe ‘That good health belongs to everyone’.   As a team, we really do want to know ‘what is beyond the horizon’.    In the weeks and months ahead, we will be proudly expanding our line up of amazingly affordable and useful products.  We are excited to hear how our customers and stakeholders will respond.   It helps therefore a lot to be incurable optimists, we truly believe in what we do.

Slowly, slowly, our lives will return as we once remembered them, and we will persevere in combatting our fears of what we have left behind, perhaps better prepared to live life with a sharper focus on ourselves and our wellbeing.

We will be with you, every step of the way!

Michael S. Kerzner

Chairman of the Board & Chief Strategist