Comparison is the Thief of Joy

These past couple of years tested both our mental and physical strength. We’ve all heard that “now more than ever” we need to optimize our health and well-being.” DNALabs has been considered as an essential service, not only in these unprecedent times, but as a preventative measure for today’s health-conscious consumers, and those struggling as well. Whether it is someone struggling to find the right drug at the right dose, or someone struggling with their mental health and lifestyle, both our MatchMyMeds™ Drug Compatibility Test and LoveMyHealth™ Lifestyle Genetic Test are there to help our patients of all ages. This month is Mental Health Awareness Month. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health so with the start of a new month upon us, there is no better time to get back on track with your goals than right NOW! There are plenty of days this upcoming month to act and prioritize your own health and wellbeing as well…Better Sleep Month, Celiac Disease Awareness Month, International No Diet Day, National Fitness Day, National Women’s Health Week, and of course Mother’s Day just to name a few!

This past month was National DNA Day. We have all compared ourselves to one another. Whether it is someone you have aspired to be like or look like on television, on social media, or at the gym, we are all guilty of this. However, each one of us has our own unique genetic makeup. Humans are genetically 99.9% identical… Which means we’re only 0.1% different. This does not sound like a lot, but that’s 0.1% of the 6 billion “letters” we have in our DNA. That amounts to about 6 million differences! When receiving our own personalized testing results, we cannot and should not compare ourselves to others as our journeys are so different. That is why genetic testing is so important. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to optimal health, wellness, nutrition, or fitness. If there is one key takeaway from genetic testing it is that we are all unique and should stop comparing ourselves but rather focusing on what works best for our bodies…and that is when the magic of change starts to happen!

In fact, the benefits of genetic testing helped me personally on my own journey in SO many ways. When people think of genetic testing, they probably think of where their ancestors came from. However, your genetics are so much more. I first learned of genetic testing when my father founded DNALabs. I took the tests; however, I did not pay too much attention to the results initially to be honest. However, throughout my fitness journey I would always go back and wonder “what should I eat” and “what type of exercise should I do” to see if what I was doing was accurate for my genetics. I was amazed at how accurate my results really were. It’s fascinating how empowering using knowledge to meet your own needs is. With all the continuous updates and expansions to our tests, my results continue to stay accurate. One of the most F.A.Q we get is “how accurate are the results”. In fact, we have >99.97% accuracy with our tests and results.

Having spent over 10 years focusing on improving my health and wellbeing, with the use of genetic testing, I was able to finally realize how understanding my unique DNA provided insights into finding what foods nourish my body best, and which workout regime is best suited for me! I have never felt less “guilty” for a much-needed rest day at the end of the week after learning that I should be getting adequate rest following exercise.

I am so excited for all the exciting things we have coming up this month at DNALabs and look forward to sharing it with all of you! Wishing everyone a wonderful month ahead and if you are not sure what to get your mom this upcoming Mother’s Day, there is no better way to show your mom love than by giving her the gift of good health…love your mom and her health as well!


Elana Lustig,
Director of Marketing